Title 12. Operation of Marine Vessels
(12)00. Applicability
This section applies to the operation of any vessel, to include jet skis.
Only Certified vessel inspectors may enforce codes under this title.
Members of LSPD Port Authority, SAHP Bureau of Air and Coastal Operations, and BCSO Wildlife units are certified vessel inspectors(with Coastal certification).
Jet Skis must comply with all other Titles except those listed below:
(8)01 through (8)05 : Does require completing basic boater licensing and safety class.
(8)08 through (8)16
(12)01. Licensing
A person shall not operate any water vessel, without possessing a valid and current boating operators license.
Not including jet skis, they only require a basic vessel safety course.
The licensee shall have in his/her immediate possession at all times, the state issued license while operating the vessel.
Violations of Penal Code (12)01 are infractions, and punishable by a fine of $234. A vessel being operated by a person without a valid license may be impounded. Violations of 3 or more times is a misdemeanor, punishable by $1000 fine and 30 sec in jail.
(12)02. Equipment
All lights on the vessel must be in working order
All people on the vessel must have and wear a PFD(Life Jacket)
All vessels must have the following:
Emergency flares and/or a flare gun
A basic first aid kit
Be equipped with a working 2 way radio system
All vessels must be equipped with a fire suppression system
A sprinkler system or fire extinguisher meet this requirements.
Violations of Penal Code (12)02 are an infraction, punishable by a fine of $275 per missing/non-compliant item..
(12)03. Speed Limits
Vessels may not exceed a maximum speed of 15 mph within any harbor or “no wake zone” determined by marker buoys, signs or other indicators.
Vessels may not exceed a maximum speed of 20 mph with 25 meters of any designated swimming area, public or private.
Vessels may not exceed a maximum speed of 25 mph with 25 meters of any coast or shoreline when not a designated swim area, public or private.
No vessel speed limit on any open open water(excluding (1) and (2) areas).
A vessel is considered operating in an unsafe or “reckless” manor anytime its actions may lead to damage of any property or physical harm or death of other boaters, swimmers, or its own occupants, including the driver.
Violations of Penal Code (12)03-1 through 4 are infractions and punishable as follows below:
First offense (per 1 week ingame cycle) $234 fine
Second offense (per 1 week ingame cycle) $480 fine
Third offense (per 1 week ingame cycle) $800 fine, 3 day(ingame) boaters license suspension
Four+ violations (per 1 week ingame cycle) $1200 fine, 1 week(ingame) license suspension and vessel impounded.
Violations of (12)03-5 is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $1200, possible boater license revocation/recertification and vessel being impounded.
(12)04. Restricted Areas
Vessels may not operate in any of the following areas:
Within 500’ of Fort Zancudo military base
Within 500’ of Los Santo International airport
Any area marked “Not for entry by boats”
Violations of Penal Code (12)04 are infractions and punishable by a fine of $1070 and possible vessel being impounded.